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Make It Happen Tipsheet

  • The Database Thought Leadership Test

    The Database Thought Leadership Test

    Let’s consider the snail-mail mailing list. This was usually a database file maintained in a central computer. To send a mailing, you printed the labels onto labels, and then sent the labels to a mailing house to be manually affixed to what was being sent. Usually the process took weeks. [More]

  • ChatGPT – Is it Stealing Your Content?

    ChatGPT – Is it Stealing Your Content?

    ChatGPT is a “large language model”: the system ingests copious amounts of training data, draws connections within it, does its abracadabra analysis, and then strings together responses based on the algorithm that it self-develops. So the question isn’t really how does an AI system become so smart, but rather where [More]

  • The Community Involvement Thought Leadership Test

    The Community Involvement Thought Leadership Test

    Benefits of community leadership include: It implies a third-party endorsement — after all, someone must have vetted you for the role. Others can observe you as someone in a position of authority and respect. Your involvement will widen your network with completely different people. It is incredibly powerful when people see you [More]

  • Acing the Google Thought Leadership Test

    Acing the Google Thought Leadership Test

    Not sure of the weather? Check Google. Need directions? Check Google. Currency exchange rates. Ditto. Definition of an unfamiliar word? Google. The credibility of a particular person? Yes, Google. When someone wants to understand more about you, Google can provide an interesting, and supposedly unbiased perspective. Unpacking the Google test [More]

  • The Longevity Thought Leadership Test

    The Longevity Thought Leadership Test

    I was talking to someone at a conference who had seen a presentation I had done on digital strategy, when he said that he, too, was a digital strategy thought leader. I was looking forward to finding out his background, so asked what he'd done before: he said that he [More]

  • The Traditional Media Thought Leadership Test

    The Traditional Media Thought Leadership Test

    One of today's mistaken beliefs is that traditional media (e.g. TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines) have no value. While it is true that they have lost readers and viewers, and that without their audiences, that ad revenues have also continued to slide. For most people, traditional media still has both [More]

  • The Social Follower Thought Leadership Test

    The Social Follower Thought Leadership Test

    How you answer that question is a function of your age. If you asked your parents or grandparents, it would likely be 20-50 people, which would include their family, friends, and work colleagues. If you grew up in the 1970s to 1990s, it would be much larger -- maybe 500. [More]

  • The Speaker/Author Thought Leadership Test

    The Speaker/Author Thought Leadership Test

    While it is true that writing and speaking are both individual skills, this test isn't really a question of evaluating those skills. After all, sadly, "everyone" writes and speaks. The value of the test comes from two separate sources: 1) Third-party validation: To get a book published by a traditional [More]

  • The Activity Level Thought Leadership Test

    The Activity Level Thought Leadership Test

    The activity level test is simple: how "busy" is the thought leader? The more they are creating new intellectual property (books, blogs, podcasts, research, etc.), speaking at events, and engaged in conversations on social media, the higher they rank on this dimension. Sadly, one of the things that would-be thought [More]

  • The Fancy Title Thought Leadership Test (Seniority x Organization Size)

    The Fancy Title Thought Leadership Test (Seniority x Organization Size)

    Your title is an important signal to the marketplace. It describes your responsibilities as well as your scope of authority. But what is the connection to thought leadership? Unless the title is directly tied to your expertise ("Chief Science Officer", for example), there is absolutely no connection to thought leadership, [More]


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