Recently I had a stark reminder, in the most unlikely of places, that this is absolutely not the case. For several hours, I spent sorting food at the local food bank. Instead of going through the front, where patrons were able to pick up their food, I went through the back, [More]
Putting aside the use of Twitter by certain politicians, media, and perhaps so-called influencers, is Twitter in its death throes? It certainly wouldn't be the first Social Media death. Consider those who have come (and gone) before: hellotxt, retaggr, timely, booktour, Google wave/reader/orkut/iGoogle, LinkedIn Polls/Answers, and many, many more. Here's [More]
Beyond ads, media mentions, and the web, is there another mechanism to build your organization's brand? One that might cost significantly less, yet yield powerful positioning advantages? Brand Transfer is the "borrowing" of another organization's brand to better convey - or even amplify - your own. Consider the following examples: How differently [More]
At one time, a marketer needed only consider a few communications channels: Print, TV, Packaging, and the speaking points within a salesperson's sales pitch. Today, all bets are off: Traditional channels still exist, but have been eclipsed by the website, marketing automation emails, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and [More]
Have you ever listened to a webinar or in a Zoom presentation, and found your mind wandering? Or perhaps you let the webinar play on while taking care of other more important activities on your computer? And what if that incredibly dull presenter... is actually be you? And that the [More]
Here's a bold prediction: The End of Social Media. Yes, despite the success of the Twitter IPO, and before that, Facebook's public offering, and after that, the fight over TikTok, the initial promise of social media is quickly moving to its end. Consider the evidence: Over a billion users on [More]
Forget likes, shares, retweets, and comments: how can you use Social Media to actually sell products? (Here's a post on selling services.) To do so effectively means understanding two key concepts: the funnel, and conversion. The funnel refers to the process that prospects go through before they actually put down [More]
How often do you research a product online, and then purchase it at the store? Or, check out the product at the store, and then use the internet to make the purchase? If so, you're not alone. These newer consumer behaviors are both the new reality for retailers - and [More]
How do you determine the ROI on your marketing and sales investments? The standard formula is simple: divide the return, less investment, by the investment. A marketing campaign costs $1000, and reaches out to 1000 prospects. Five per cent of these respond, generating $1000 profit, for an ROI of zero: [More]
How do you organize your Content Marketing and Social Media activities? Most people have a system - whiteboards, excel documents, Google Calendar, or often, scraps of paper. Unfortunately, none of these are as effective, or efficient, as they might be. And they certainly don't help you share your activities with [More]
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