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  • Insight: The Business of Risk

    Insight: The Business of Risk

    What if something goes wrong? Most people are not keen on taking risks. A small faction of people are definitely risk–takers. Whether you are one or the other, the decisions you make often boil down to one ratio: The Risk-return equation. We spend a lot of time on Return, and [More]

  • Brand values:  reporter or columnist?

    Brand values: reporter or columnist?

    Would you rather be a reporter, or a columnist? Reporters have a great combination of investigative skills, communication skills, moxy, and pluck. Columnists are made from the same raw material, but they get paid far more.  Why? Readers care more about what a particular person is saying than what a generic person [More]

  • Insight: Building High Performance Boards

    Insight: Building High Performance Boards

    Have you ever considered why some boards (or senior management teams) are more effective than others? While the usual reasons may include individual skills and knowledge, attitude, strong staff support, and infrastructure, one of the most powerful drivers of board performance - and also one of the most overlooked - [More]

  • Price, Expertise, and Trust – revisited

    Price, Expertise, and Trust – revisited

    Most service-based organizations compete based on Price/Expertise/Trust. But do these dimensions by themselves generate sustainable competitive advantage?  Not necessarily: to develop competitive advantage requires taking each of these items to their logical conclusion. From price to value:  Not only is competing on price usually not economically sustainable, most organizations do not want their brand to [More]

  • Avoiding tech project failures (internal issues)

    Avoiding tech project failures (internal issues)

    Have you ever had a problem - or a disastrous - project in your organization?  When this happens, it is often "clear" that the problem is with the consultants hired to help, and sadly, this is often true. But is some of the fault also with your organization?  While a previous [More]

  • Insight: Building a Thinking Organization

    Insight: Building a Thinking Organization

    In just about every organization, the focus is on action.  The connotations of words such as goals, objectives, action plans, and status updates are all positive, and are viewed as necessary for organizational, professional, and personal success.   (Even these Tipsheets, over 600 of them, each end with This Week's [More]

  • Building Your Marketing Stack

    Building Your Marketing Stack

    Most marketers think of themselves as builders. Their work grows the organization, grows market share, grows the portfolio of products and services. A bit more tactically, the marketer builds page views, conversions, and social engagement; underlying all of these activities, the marketer builds trust, and builds relationships. But is there [More]

  • Viewpoint: Feedback on a “bad” post

    Viewpoint: Feedback on a “bad” post

    It's amazing how a "different" perspective-type post generates a ton of feedback.   Two years ago I wrote a post on how to become invisible on the web.  The post described how to remove your footprint, guard your privacy, and generally how to avoid being digitally targeted. The post also [More]

  • Finding the Social Media Tipping Point

    Finding the Social Media Tipping Point

    How do you know the "right" amount of Social Media? Too little Social Media is like spitting into the wind: no traction and no impact.  It also leads to discouragement: if the efforts are not making a difference, then why bother at all? On the other hand, too much Social [More]

  • Exceeding Expectations

    Exceeding Expectations

    Two people walk into the campground office. The park ranger warns that there are bears - and that it is dangerous. The first camper quickly replies - "that won't be a problem". The ranger says, "I hope you can run fast - very fast".  "Not really," the camper replied. "But [More]


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