You invest in events, send out emails, educate, and send invoices. But how well do you really know your target audience? Beyond the basic demographics, perhaps not as well as you might think. Test yourself: how do you think they would answer the following questions? If asked to describe [More]
What do eyeballs and friends have in common with each other? Except for the fact that your friends have eyeballs, not much. Or do they? Is time ripe for a Social Media crash? Let's go back to the year 1999, the time the unshakeable belief that so long as you [More]
Have you ever listened to a presentation, and felt the signal-to-noise ratio could have been improved? Or have you ever delivered a critical presentation, and felt that you could have done better... but you were not precisely sure how? Too often we add debris into our presentations. These are those filler words, unrelated [More]
Yes, most marketers have "discovered" content marketing. The theory is that if you put more content out there, prospects (clients, job candidates, members, etc) will find it, self-identify, and then beat a path to your doorstep. The benefits of investing in content are legion: an easier education and sales process, better quality leads, [More]
In the first part of this post, we consider the importance of growing all channels - not just email. In this post, we look specifically at growing your email list - 11 different ways of doing so: Plug the leaks: Sometimes a list is growing just fine, but the growth is negated by people who [More]
Almost every organization has a list - or several. The list is used for service and event updates, for marketing, sales, and then billing. It is used to recruit, it is used for retention. And because it is so central, it is also the subject of a critical marketing question: [More]
In his 2003 Australian best-seller Death Sentence: The Decay of Public Language, author Don Watson rails against lifeless, plastic corporate-speak. He complains that too often, organizations hide behind their words, instead of connecting with their audiences with an authentic voice. While he was writing about traditional communications, his point is [More]
"The Internet wants to be free": has been the internet anthem for decades. It has been sung by the academic world in the spirit of sharing knowledge, in the anti-spirit of corporate greed by anarchists, and by the "inbound marketing" crowd as a magnet to attract prospective clients. But at [More]
When you make a purchase decision, what is the one thing, more than anything else, that gives you confidence that the other party can (and will) do what they promise? Yes, statements of work, contracts, and case studies all play a role. But what about references and testimonials? References are those conversations [More]
While the internet has changed the world of publishing fundamentally, the world of writing has been fundamentally shifted as well. Consider who is actually doing the writing: Professional writers are educated in the craft of investigation and written expression, and spend an entire career learning how to convey complex concepts [More]
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