The answer is unreservedly yes. But it takes some thinking, both in the original creation of the content, and how it will eventually be used. Most marketers understand how a web-based lead magnet works: Provide something of value (an eBook, Whitepaper, assessment, etc) for free, but require the web user [More]
More often than not, it's the former, and for some very practical reasons. FAQs are a cheap way to improve customer service, reduce the cost of customer service infrastructure, and build a self-service mindset. Unfortunately, if looked at through this lens, the opportunity to use FAQs for marketing and sales [More]
Do you use email every day for marketing and outreach? Not every email is the same - there are a number of different types, each with a different goal. How many have you used? Great marketers know that using the right stimulus at the right time will yield the desired results. Using marketing emails [More]
Have you ever had a problem - or a disastrous - project in your organization? When this happens, it is often "clear" that the problem is with the consultants hired to help, and sadly, this is often true. But is some of the fault also with your organization? While a previous [More]
Yes, most marketers have "discovered" content marketing. The theory is that if you put more content out there, prospects (clients, job candidates, members, etc) will find it, self-identify, and then beat a path to your doorstep. The benefits of investing in content are legion: an easier education and sales process, better quality leads, [More]
Many marketers use webinars as an important strategy, but given the large investment developing the content, finding (and registering) attendees, and the logistics of production, how can you maximize the return on your webinar investment? Here are ten ideas that can help: Include a clear and easy call to action near the end [More]
With so much focus on public social media sites (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc), many are now questioning how these same social media concepts might be used within the organization, especially in the post-COVID work-from-home world. The fact is that most organizations function exceptionally well precisely because of the real-world internal social networks [More]
Have you ever felt that each year, there is yet another set of marketing buzzwords that you need to learn? Service marketing, value marketing, values-based marketing, content marketing, Social Media marketing, and the list goes on. What these terms all have in common is the connection between your organization and [More]
How is your content planning for the year coming along? Or, perhaps the plan is in place, but you are now looking at a blank page, with an old-fashioned case of writer's block. Fear not, as we have collected the top ten posts on content creation and inbound marketing. Blog [More]
How fast can you "consume" content? Or better yet, how quickly can you scan it? Likely pretty quickly, if you are reading. Since most people consume by scanning - not reading - experienced bloggers (and website writers) understand the need to chunk content into smaller bits: Headings and subheadings Short [More]
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