Many leaders find themselves faced with the difficult task of harnessing their team's creativity to solve challenging problems. Yet so often, group brainstorming yields little or no significant benefits. Why? Sometimes it is a question of facilitation skills. Sometimes a lack of creative process. But often it is because of [More]
While websites aren't new, most organizations only redesign their website every 3-4 years - which is just enough time for everyone to forget what needs to be done to properly launch it. So, collected in one place, here is our list of what to do to launch your site: Three months prior to [More]
How do you know the "right" amount of Social Media? Too little Social Media is like spitting into the wind: no traction and no impact. It also leads to discouragement: if the efforts are not making a difference, then why bother at all? On the other hand, too much Social [More]
The phone rings or an email arrives (or a Twitter direct message appears) from a journalist, asking for your opinion on a particular topic. What should you do? a) Panic b) Answer their questions c) ??? Journalists are half sleuth/half expert communicator: they are paid to find out what is [More]
How can you be your most creative? Google the topic and you will find millions of pages with an answer. Some will say you are "born" with it. Others will say it is a matter of following a process. And others will claim it is a matter of using a [More]
Have you ever purchased a new house, only to later discover that the contractor cut some corners? And that buck or two savings for the contractor now translates into thousands of dollars of extra cost for you? Unfortunately, many website developers have taken a page from the building trade, and [More]
Have you ever spent time staring at your blank screen, wondering what your next blog post should be about, then staring at the clock, stressing about the looming deadline. While it's tempting to think of this problem as writer's block, it is really a question of process gone wrong. (Or [More]
For those who aren't familiar with the McDonald's menu, there is something for everyone: burgers, fish, chicken (in a bun or nugget-style), salads, fries, gourmet coffee and desert. If you arrive for breakfast, you can choose from yogurt parfaits, oatmeal, eggs, muffins, egg McMuffins, juices and coffee. In other words, [More]
If you read anything, anywhere about marketing, sales, customer service, recruiting, IT, or executive leadership, you can't help but notice that Social Media seems to have become mandatory – full stop. But are there circumstances where it makes sense NOT to use Social Media? Where turning down the volume on [More]
The Trust Curve is one of the most important Marketing 2.0 concepts around. It states that as trust builds over time, the relationship strengthens and the target person (prospective client, prospective member, prospective employee, etc) moves through the stages of awareness, preference, trial, and commitment. The job of marketing is [More]
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