by Randall CraigFiled in: Blog, Blogging, Communication, Make It Happen Tipsheet, Social MediaTagged as: Blogging, Communication, Marketing, PR
While Build It and They Will Come might work in the movies (remember Field of Dreams?), it doesn’t quite work that way online. Yes, you can put up a Facebook page, LinkedIn profile, or YouTube channel, but how can you truly attract followers? And how can you truly drive engagement? If you are going to the effort and expense of creating a presence, presumably some effort should also be spent marketing it.
Here are 15 ideas that will help; some basic, some more advanced, but all in one place:
Re-evaluate how you get the word out, then adopt at least one of these new ideas. Build it – and promote it – and then they will come.
Two more requests: 1) Do you have anything that has worked particularly well for you, that isn’t on the list? Add your experience by sending me an email or Tweet (@randallcraig) with your thoughts. 2) Please forward this post to the person responsible in your organization for digital strategy – it might make the difference between success or failure.
Postscript: I didn’t just add those two Action Hooks to demonstrate how to phrase requests – I actually would appreciate your ideas, and I actually would appreciate you forwarding this on. But look at the wording: it clearly points out why it is in the reader’s interest to act.
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