But you now have a growing concern that Facebook will eventually make a change that will trash – or at least significantly stunt – your business model. Or worse, that your community will leave due to their alarm over Facebook's profiling activities and disregard for privacy. Then there is your [More]
As should be obvious, both platforms make their money by selling access to their users: you are the product, and they are monetizing you. In the spirit of openness and transparency, they actually DO allow you to get a glimpse of the attributes that they track about you. They also [More]
For many individuals, Facebook is a way to connect with friends, family, and just possibly, play a few games. For professional marketers, Facebook is a way to grow the brand, nurture a community of interest, and just possibly, sell. But for senior leaders, Facebook (and other Social Media platforms) might [More]
While many people enjoy Facebook for personal use (connections to family and friends, posting photos, playing games), does it really have a business role for your organization? Whether the answer is yes or no, one thing is certain: Facebook represents a risk vector that must be considered. In no particular [More]
What do houses, cars, and Social Media all have in common? For one thing, they all share a primary question: Buy or Rent. Buy a house, or look for a rental? Buy a car, or lease it? And should we rent our Social Media, or build our own? Most leaders [More]
Facebook now has over 2.5 billion users - an astounding number. On the other hand, you (or your organization) may have but 1000 or 10,000 - hardly a dent, and at best, a rounding error. Whether your number is on the lower side or hovering at a billion, this singular [More]
Are you still playing the numbers game with your Social Media accounts? When you first sign up, you aim for ten connections. Then 50, 100, 250, and finally the coveted 500 - you've arrived. And then you aim for 1000. Then 2000. How many is too many? As I look [More]
Even from the most committed employees, one question comes up over and over again: where does Social Media fit into my next job search. It might be couched in different language (How do I develop professional profile/How do I take advantage of Social tools for support, etc), but the question [More]
If you're reading this, the chances that you are on Facebook are relatively high. And sadly, the chances that you personally will duplicate Mark Zuckerberg's business success are relatively low. Very few of us will take our companies public, let along profit so handsomely during our careers. What we can [More]
Instead, I found a thriving entrepreneurial culture, where everyone - from the richest to the (almost) poorest - is connected in two ways: by cellphone, and in the real world. The majority of the billion (95% to be exact) are busy living, rather than voyeuristically watching others live via Facebook [More]
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