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  • Content Marketing: Time-Bound vs. Evergreen Content?

    Content Marketing: Time-Bound vs. Evergreen Content?

    The benefit of evergreen content is clear: invest once, and it continues to pay dividends, over and over. It can appear in your blog, in a video, as an add-on to an email, as an appendix to a proposal, and in many other places. And because it is timeless, it [More]

  • The Activity Level Thought Leadership Test

    The Activity Level Thought Leadership Test

    The activity level test is simple: how "busy" is the thought leader? The more they are creating new intellectual property (books, blogs, podcasts, research, etc.), speaking at events, and engaged in conversations on social media, the higher they rank on this dimension. Sadly, one of the things that would-be thought [More]

  • Blog and Social Media Errors [updated]

    Blog and Social Media Errors [updated]

    It could be a simple typographical or grammatical error, a case of misattribution, or a more serious case of factual error. Unfortunately, blog and social media errors happens far too often, for some very obvious reasons: Some content is dictated and the speech-t0-text software sometimes gets it wrong. Editing is [More]

  • 14 great reads on building influence and impact

    14 great reads on building influence and impact

    Do your readers read beyond the first sentence or two?  And do they care enough about your ideas to actually act on them?  Writing is a critical engagement skill, so a small investment in time can make your words make a bigger impact. Here are 14 great reads that can increase your effectiveness - and [More]

  • Viewpoint: Feedback on a “bad” post

    Viewpoint: Feedback on a “bad” post

    It's amazing how a "different" perspective-type post generates a ton of feedback.   Two years ago I wrote a post on how to become invisible on the web.  The post described how to remove your footprint, guard your privacy, and generally how to avoid being digitally targeted. The post also [More]

  • Three keys for a website that converts

    Three keys for a website that converts

    What makes a web site great? What might come to mind is great design, easy-to-find information, and intuitive functionality. These may have made the top of the list in 2003 (or even 2013) , but are, at best, merely sufficient today.Many professional marketers now understand where the web fits into [More]

  • 11 killer copywriting techniques

    11 killer copywriting techniques

    Here's a question you don't get asked every day: how much do you really know about writing?  And more particularly, the craft of copywriting?  Unless you do this for a living or had extensive training , the answer is likely not very much. Yet no matter your particular role or responsibilities, copywriting is an [More]

  • Viewpoint: Expert-writers and Writer-experts

    Viewpoint: Expert-writers and Writer-experts

    While the internet - and now AI - has changed the world of publishing fundamentally, the world of writing has been fundamentally shifted as well. Consider who is actually doing the writing: Professional writers are educated in the craft of investigation and written expression, and spend an entire career learning [More]

  • Eight Video Strategies

    Eight Video Strategies

    If you are reading this white paper, you are in the minority. Some people have challenges reading the English language. Others have difficulty without their reading glasses. And still others just don't enjoy reading at all. There is a reason why YouTube and TikTok – and TV, and Netflix – [More]

  • Four Tests for Auditioning your Posts

    Four Tests for Auditioning your Posts

    Have you ever considered whether you should comment on a post that mentions you or your organization? As a leader, have you ever been concerned that someone in your organization might choose to respond inappropriately? If so, consider these four tests for choosing when to respond: Is the post legal? [More]


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