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  • 14 Ways to Improve Email Delivery

    14 Ways to Improve Email Delivery

    Nothing is more frustrating than emails that are not delivered. Unfortunately, the cat-and-mouse game between spammers and the spam filterers has taken on a completely new level. Legitimate double opted-in communications are prevented from reaching their recipients, all in the service of preventing an ever-growing deluge of spam. So what [More]

  • Fixing Damaged Trust

    Fixing Damaged Trust

    At every touchpoint, trust is either earned, or eroded. And while most people are willing to forgive unexpected problems, sometimes the nature of the issue is so egregious, that no amount of goodwill can smooth over the problem. So what to do? And is it even possible to turn around [More]

  • Fake vs Authentic Corporate Communications: Can We Do Better?

    Fake vs Authentic Corporate Communications: Can We Do Better?

    Sadly, many organizations (and some individuals) want the former, but their words and actions demonstrate the latter. Why? When it comes to marketing, there is always a strong linkage to emotion, with significant effort spent building visuals and writing engaging copy. But when it comes to operational corporate communications, too [More]

  • When You Lose: Ask and Offer

    When You Lose: Ask and Offer

    It's terribly disappointing, especially since the cost of putting together the proposal, prepping the pitch—let alone the cost of prospecting and pre-sales activities—is huge. So what to do? One alternative is to pretend that the entire episode didn't happen, and focus on the next opportunity. For some people, it also [More]

  • Re-looking at the rush to digital

    Re-looking at the rush to digital

    One only needs to look at the sorry plight of the newspaper business to see that the future doesn't look rosy. The world has changed. Or have we so bought into the inevitability of technology that it has blinded us to what we are giving up?  And have we left many [More]

  • Blog and Social Media Errors [updated]

    Blog and Social Media Errors [updated]

    It could be a simple typographical or grammatical error, a case of misattribution, or a more serious case of factual error. Unfortunately, blog and social media errors happens far too often, for some very obvious reasons: Some content is dictated and the speech-t0-text software sometimes gets it wrong. Editing is [More]

  • Bloated Websites: Transparency vs. Accessibility

    Bloated Websites: Transparency vs. Accessibility

    How often are you frustrated by bloated websites that have so many pages, it is impossible to actually find anything?  Unfortunately, this is all to common of a complaint. Websites are often used as dumping grounds for every bit of information from every new initiative, often spanning backwards into the [More]

  • 13 Resources for Writers

    13 Resources for Writers

    Do you wish that you could be more effective with the written word?   Have you always hated writing, from the first time your grade three teacher insisted you write two paragraphs on what you did during the summer?  Or maybe you enjoy the idea of writing, but you don't enjoy the reality [More]

  • Inclusive Communications – Avoiding the Uniformity Trap

    Inclusive Communications – Avoiding the Uniformity Trap

    As a speaker or writer, one of the most powerful techniques is to look for common cause with your audience.  This may mean using words or imagery that conjure up something from a shared past, or play to a shared cultural experience. Unfortunately, this very same technique is unwittingly used to the exact opposite [More]

  • How journalists improve reader engagement

    How journalists improve reader engagement

    What is the one lesson that appears in every newspaper article, every magazine article, and for that matter, every bestselling book?  Journalists and editors realize that they have to work exceptionally hard to get people to actually read what they write. And unless you actually do so, their work has [More]


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