by Randall CraigFiled in: Associations, Blog, Business Development, Make It Happen Tipsheet, Marketing, Presentations, SalesTagged as: eLearning, Inbound Marketing, Webinars
Many marketers use webinars as an important strategy, but given the large investment developing the content, finding (and registering) attendees, and the logistics of production, how can you maximize the return on your webinar investment?
Here are ten ideas that can help:
This week, go back to the future: improve your webinar ROI by looking at this list, and implementing as many as you can for your past recordings. And if you haven’t been recording, now is the time to start.
Marketing insight: All of these points assume that the quality of the webinar content is excellent, that it is focused, and that the production quality is exceptionally high. In today’s Zoom-fatigued world, if you don’t first address the issues of content quality, focus, and production excellence, then these ten ideas are worthless.
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