by Randall CraigFiled in: Blog, Content, Make It Happen TipsheetTagged as: Content Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Video
How fast can you “consume” content? Or better yet, how quickly can you scan it? Likely pretty quickly, if you are reading.
Since most people consume by scanning – not reading – experienced bloggers (and website writers) understand the need to chunk content into smaller bits:
But what about video? Unlike the written word, it is almost impossible to scan a video and get any value from it. At best, a video scan helps a user find their place: at worst, it is an exercise in frustration. But does it have to be such a low-value experience? Is there a way to impregnate your video with value, knowing full well that the user might merely be a scanner?
Here are six ways to do this:
While these suggestions might help you while wearing your producer’s hat, what if you are the video consumer? How can you quickly scan important video content? Most people know about using the video “speed” controls to hurry up the playback, usually located in the “gear” settings icon just under the video. But what about feeding the video (or a transcript of the video) into AI and asking for a summary?
Producer insight: Make it easier for the user: In addition to the transcript, AI-derived key questions with time-stamps, also include an AI generated summary in the description or the meta data.
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Content Authenticity Statement: 100% original content: no AI was used in creating this content.
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