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BLOGConsuming Content and Scanning Video

by Randall CraigFiled in: Blog, Content, Make It Happen TipsheetTagged as: , ,

How fast can you “consume” content? Or better yet, how quickly can you scan it?  Likely pretty quickly, if you are reading.

Since most people consume by scanning – not reading – experienced bloggers (and website writers) understand the need to chunk content into smaller bits:

  • Headings and subheadings
  • Short paragraphs
  • Bullets and lists
  • Judicious use of bold and italics
  • Pictures and diagrams

But what about video? Unlike the written word, it is almost impossible to scan a video and get any value from it. At best, a video scan helps a user find their place: at worst, it is an exercise in frustration. But does it have to be such a low-value experience?  Is there a way to impregnate your video with value, knowing full well that the user might merely be a scanner?

Here are six ways to do this:

  1. Agenda: Right at the beginning, ensure the user knows what the video contains, either by saying it, or using a background or overlay. If they know the order of the content, they may be able to skip to the most relevant parts more efficiently.  Add this into the Meta data (comments, etc) as well.
  2. Summary: Like an agenda, a summary near the beginning and the end of the video means that the user is more likely to be exposed to the entire message. A bulleted list (with audio), an overlay, or even a spoken word summary can do this.  Use AI to generate a written summary that can be added to the meta data.
  3. Lower Third Overlay: Identify sections of the video by using an overlay that stays on the lower portion of the screen for a longer period of time. When a user scans through the video, a shorter overlay may not actually be seen.
  4. Use Quality Metadata: Conventional wisdom now suggests using key words within the metadata to aid in searches. The Metadata (description and video summary) can also include the start time for each major section of the video, thereby allowing the user to directly navigate to the most relevant content.
  5. Multiple Call to Actions: To improve the likelihood that the viewer will actually do something, you cannot count on them getting to the end of the video to see the call to action. Instead, share the call to action several times throughout the clip, using several different techniques: verbally, with a scene change, with an overlay.
  6. Multiple videos: Sometimes the reason for scanning a video can be traced back to a mismatch between the goal of the user (“I want a quick overview,” or “I want a specific piece of information”) and the goal of the video producer (“This is an interview format” or “This is a recording of an event.”)  Consider producing several videos, all with the same goal, but in different lengths: a group of 60-second quick hit videos, 3-minute key points videos, a 10-minute summary, and 60-minute deep-dive. In this way (hopefully) the user will choose a format that does not require scanning.


While these suggestions might help you while wearing your producer’s hat, what if you are the video consumer? How can you quickly scan important video content?  Most people know about using the video “speed” controls to hurry up the playback, usually located in the “gear” settings icon just under the video. But what about feeding the video (or a transcript of the video) into AI and asking for a summary?

Producer insight: Make it easier for the user: In addition to the transcript, AI-derived key questions with time-stamps, also include an AI generated summary in the description or the meta data.

Does this topic resonate? Reach out to Randall: he can present it to your group.  (More presentation topics)
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Randall Craig

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