One of the biggest drivers of efficiency (and cost-savings) over the last decade has been the growth of virtual team meetings. Especially since COVID, who hasn't received a request to join one, using a technology such as Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, Webex, Gotomeeting, or one of the dozens of other [More]
Do you generate content (or training materials) for staff, prospects, clients, and other third parties? If so, you probably know that doing it right is not easy- and often is hit or miss. In a previous post, we explored the business rationale and the alternatives for monetizing this knowledge via eLearning; in this post, [More]
Many marketers use webinars as an important strategy, but given the large investment developing the content, finding (and registering) attendees, and the logistics of production, how can you maximize the return on your webinar investment? Here are ten ideas that can help: Include a clear and easy call to action near the end [More]
Have you ever listened to a webinar or in a Zoom presentation, and found your mind wandering? Or perhaps you let the webinar play on while taking care of other more important activities on your computer? And what if that incredibly dull presenter... is actually be you? And that the [More]
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