Taking a step back, why do people land on a particular web page? Likely it is because they were searching on Google, and clicked through to a particular page. Or perhaps they clicked a link, be it from an advertisement, a link on Social Media, an email, a QR code, [More]
But you now have a growing concern that Facebook will eventually make a change that will trash – or at least significantly stunt – your business model. Or worse, that your community will leave due to their alarm over Facebook's profiling activities and disregard for privacy. Then there is your [More]
The answer is unreservedly yes. But it takes some thinking, both in the original creation of the content, and how it will eventually be used. Most marketers understand how a web-based lead magnet works: Provide something of value (an eBook, Whitepaper, assessment, etc) for free, but require the web user [More]
In case this is completely new to you, "Funnel 101" for lead magnets can be simplified to three steps: A prospect downloads your lead magnet - they're now in your funnel. You send them stuff. Then they buy. Or, if you're in the B2B world, you have an interaction or [More]
It's critically important to recognize that webinars are used for two very different purposes: to educate, and to generate leads. Educational webinars (think the college professor) are optimized to get as much knowledge into the audience as possible, in order to achieve a particular learning objective. Lead gen webinars are [More]
The benefit of evergreen content is clear: invest once, and it continues to pay dividends, over and over. It can appear in your blog, in a video, as an add-on to an email, as an appendix to a proposal, and in many other places. And because it is timeless, it [More]
Nothing is more frustrating than emails that are not delivered. Unfortunately, the cat-and-mouse game between spammers and the spam filterers has taken on a completely new level. Legitimate double opted-in communications are prevented from reaching their recipients, all in the service of preventing an ever-growing deluge of spam. So what [More]
More often than not, it's the former, and for some very practical reasons. FAQs are a cheap way to improve customer service, reduce the cost of customer service infrastructure, and build a self-service mindset. Unfortunately, if looked at through this lens, the opportunity to use FAQs for marketing and sales [More]
Are you in sales, or are you in education? Yes, if you're reading this you may think that you are in neither. You may identify yourself as a lawyer, consultant, accountant, CEO, entrepreneur, financial advisor, or a million other "jobs". But you are absolutely in sales – even if you [More]
Where does disruption come from? Here are eight specific places: Clients who decide to bring it in-house… Clients who decide to productize their process… Suppliers who go Direct-to-Consumer (eg "Disintermediation") Software service providers... Out-of-geography provider… Lower cost substitute products... New intellectual property (obsolescence or new innovation)... LinkedIn and Social Media [More]
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