by Randall CraigFiled in: Blog, Communication, Make It Happen Tipsheet, Management, Time managementTagged as: Leadership
Have you ever booked a meeting with others, only to have them show up late? Or started a meeting, only to have some of the participants spend half the time checking their Smartphones? Or watched as a few attendees leave early because of other commitments?
Putting aside the rudeness of this behavior, it points to a single ugly truth: You – or the subject of your meeting – are not a priority.
Is there something you could do to change this? Consider these ideas:
As managers we would never accept tardiness or lack of attention from potential job candidates, so how can it be acceptable from those already employed? It isn’t – yet the behavior must have been learned somewhere. (Guess where?)
Resolve never to show up late, always give 100% of your attention, and to stay to the end of each meeting you attend. Not only will you get more out of the meeting, but you will set a great example – one that others will reciprocate.
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