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  • “Done is Better than Perfect”

    “Done is Better than Perfect”

    Or maybe you work with one, and they are constantly making so-called improvements in your work. Why do they do this? They feel that their unique experience will improve the initiative's chance of success. That their input will reduce risk. They don't exactly trust that you can get it over [More]

  • Consumerization


    Wikipedia defines consumerization as the reorientation of product and service designs to focus on (and market to) the end user as an individual consumer, vs an earlier era of organization-oriented offerings.  It speaks to growing markets by looking for a completely different category of buyer, who may also be an influencer for [More]

  • Problem Solving with Appreciative Inquiry

    Problem Solving with Appreciative Inquiry

    In the olden days, external advisors would be called in whenever there is a problem to be solved.  Proposals would be reviewed, contracts negotiated, references checked, and the engagement would begin. The consulting team would show up, diagnose the source of the problem, and help the management team focus exclusively on getting [More]

  • Building Front-line Buy-in

    Building Front-line Buy-in

    If there has been one significant change in the area of marketing and engagement, it is the almost complete ubiquity of "programs".  Some of them have names like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube.  Others have names like Salesforce, Marketo, Dynamics, and Infusionsoft.  Yet despite the great fanfare, why does the system's promise rarely [More]

  • LinkedIn Connection Policy

    LinkedIn Connection Policy

    Do you accept every LinkedIn connection request that comes your way?  Or are you selective? And is there an overall approach that can help you make this decision in a somewhat more strategic manner?  Consider the pro's and con's of two opposing approaches: The case for an exclusive black book [More]

  • Insight: Building a Thinking Organization

    Insight: Building a Thinking Organization

    In just about every organization, the focus is on action.  The connotations of words such as goals, objectives, action plans, and status updates are all positive, and are viewed as necessary for organizational, professional, and personal success.   (Even these Tipsheets, over 600 of them, each end with This Week's [More]

  • Built for it

    Built for it

    Both are athletic.  But one is built for football, and the other is built for ballet. Just the thought of one doing the other's job is ridiculous: they would either be crushed, or laughed off the stage.  Both know it, and they figured out quite early in their lives where [More]

  • Low Digital Productivity?

    Low Digital Productivity?

    Are you one of "those" people who have thoroughly adopted Social Media, but have a nagging feeling that you just aren't that productive with it?  Or are you tapped out, and have no interest in adding extra time to your day with low-value online activities?  In either case, you're not [More]

  • Choosing your focus

    Choosing your focus

    Do you attribute your success to your focus?  Many people do - and in the spirit of "small focus - small success / strong focus - great success" many people are focused on... greater focus.  But is there a downside? Consider the following: Ignoring everything except the goal means that [More]

  • Eight Great Social Media Reads

    Eight Great Social Media Reads

    Out of all of the thinking, blogging, tweeting, posting, and speaking on the subject, here are some of the most practical - and thought-provoking articles on the topic. 1) When users defect:  Understanding why users leave, and what to do about it. 2) Six Steps to Strategic Blogging:  How to [More]


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