Think what it was like to be Lewis Downing Jr: Back in the mid-late 1800's, he was the President of the Abbot-Downing Company, one of America's most celebrated stagecoach manufacturers. He was at the top of his game, literally opening up the west with his vehicles. Lewis Downing Jr. supported an entire [More]
Both are athletic. But one is built for football, and the other is built for ballet. Just the thought of one doing the other's job is ridiculous: they would either be crushed, or laughed off the stage. Both know it, and they figured out quite early in their lives where [More]
If you are reading this and profess to have some expertise in Social Media, then you may be offended by my next comment: it soon won't matter, and your "expertise" is fast becoming irrelevant. Your long term career is in jeopardy, and your short term prospects are also questionable. Note [More]
In your professional field, who is the best at what they do? Chances are, you didn't name yourself. This is not surprising - between personal modesty, and our competitive instinct to look over our shoulders, we will usually make the comparison to others. Management experts will tell you that a [More]
Most people have no problem doing tomorrow what could have been done today. In fact, many people spend their entire professional life getting good at procrastinating. We know this isn't healthy, so we do what we can to improve - we invent motivating slogans: Get it done! Just do it! [More]
When a customer calls, do you rush to meet their needs? When you check into a hotel, do you expect prompt, courteous service? When you drive your car, do you always take the shortest routes - at the fastest speeds? And when you do a great job, do you want [More]
What would you do if you could have five "free" years to do whatever you like? Would you pick up a musical instrument? Would you spend more time building relationships with your friends and family? Would you re-do your education completely, or perhaps get a graduate degree? Would you start [More]
An old master was with his disciple walking in the woods, when they observed a hare being chased by a fox. The student observed that it would not be long before the hare would be caught, and eaten by the faster (and probably smarter) fox. The master replied that this [More]
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