by Randall CraigFiled in: Blog, Make It Happen Tipsheet, Management, Professional Development, PromotionTagged as: Change
Does your car need service every three months, six months, or just once yearly? How often do you need to change the oil, check the tires, or fill up the tank? Each car is very different.
Like cars, every person is different. Some people are high maintenance, and others require less service. High maintenance people require an excessive amount of your time: you will be giving them additional instructions, providing emotional support, or actually taking care of things that they themselves should be doing. They seem to require constant reassurance, or require knowledge of every detail, in order to get something done. Needless to say, low maintenance people are easier – and often more desirable as a result.
Think of yourself: are you high maintenance or low maintenance? Despite the phrasing, it isn’t a black-or-white question. Each of us requires some maintenance – the trick is to require less. The higher your “maintenance factor”, the less likely you will be considered for any new opportunities. Consider these maintenance-lowering activities:
Resolve to lower your hassle factor by being aware of how much maintenance you require.
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