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  • Social ROI: Connecting Community to Commitment

    Social ROI: Connecting Community to Commitment

    Do you have a creeping feeling that you will never get an adequate return on your Social Media investment?  If so, you're probably right. To improve digital ROI requires three key ingredients: the first reduces costs, and the second and third improve return. Improve program efficiency: Swap out experimentation and [More]

  • Social Media: Buy or Rent?

    Social Media: Buy or Rent?

    What do houses, cars, and Social Media all have in common?  For one thing, they all share a primary question:  Buy or Rent.  Buy a house, or look for a rental?  Buy a car, or lease it?  And should we rent our Social Media, or build our own? Most leaders [More]

  • 27 Year Internet Anniversary

    27 Year Internet Anniversary

    What were you doing on the Internet 27 years ago, circa 1993/1994?  At that time, there were only between 200 and 2000 websites, depending on how you counted.   Most people had no idea what the web was all about, and email was still a big leap for many organizations. 27 [More]

  • Cutting Through the Digital Clutter

    Cutting Through the Digital Clutter

    How much spam do you get in your email box each day?  Probably too much.  How many Social Media "updates" do you read each day?  Probably too many.  And how relevant are they?  Not. In the past, the challenge that marketers faced - cutting through the clutter - was solved [More]

  • Viewpoint: Competing with Free

    Viewpoint: Competing with Free

    Are you involved in your professional association? Or do you run one - either as a director, staff, or volunteer? If so, you're probably concerned with one aspect of today's digital world, and particularly social media: How do you compete with free?  (Or perhaps, you're concerned with a more existential [More]

  • Avoiding Social Incrementalism: Six Digital Strategy Insights

    Avoiding Social Incrementalism: Six Digital Strategy Insights

    If you are ahead of the curve in your digital strategy, you know there is no magic bullet: your days are spent making minor changes to improve SEO, more minor changes to improve on-page conversion, and A-B testing to improve email response rates.  Once each year, however, it makes sense [More]

  • Insight: Marketing Beyond Commitment with the Trust Chain

    Insight: Marketing Beyond Commitment with the Trust Chain

    The Trust Curve is one of the most important Marketing 2.0 concepts around.  It states that as trust builds over time, the relationship strengthens and the target person (prospective client, prospective member, prospective employee, etc) moves through the stages of awareness, preference, trial, and commitment. The job of marketing is [More]

  • Web Sleuthing and Competitive Archeology

    Web Sleuthing and Competitive Archeology

    What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas - and what happens on the web, stays there forever.  Yet even when files are deleted from the server (which they often are not) the content is always available, if only you know where to look. Before answering the questions of how and [More]

  • Viewpoint: The End of Social Media

    Viewpoint: The End of Social Media

    Here's a bold prediction: The End of Social Media. Yes, despite the success of the Twitter IPO, and before that, Facebook's public offering, and after that, the fight over TikTok, the initial promise of social media is quickly moving to its end. Consider the evidence: Over a billion users on [More]

  • Powerful Posts or Contrived Conversations

    Powerful Posts or Contrived Conversations

    Nobody asked me to write this post, but it is an exceptionally powerful one. Have you noticed that many (most?) online posts by organizations seem contrived? They are sales-focused, or narcissistic, or they're trying just a bit too hard to be friendly.  It is someone's day job - a "community [More]


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