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  • What disruptors have in common

    What disruptors have in common

    Are disruptive companies smart? Or lucky? Or, are there common factors that many of these companies just happen to have? It certainly can be argued that smarts and luck do play a part, but very often it is other factors that helped them succeed. Here are some of them: Disrupt [More]

  • Eight Drivers of Market Disruption

    Eight Drivers of Market Disruption

    Where does disruption come from? Here are eight specific places: Clients who decide to bring it in-house… Clients who decide to productize their process… Suppliers who go Direct-to-Consumer (eg "Disintermediation") Software service providers... Out-of-geography provider… Lower cost substitute products... New intellectual property (obsolescence or new innovation)... LinkedIn and Social Media [More]

  • 15 Key Digital Transformation Mistakes

    15 Key Digital Transformation Mistakes

    Consider these 15 different "mistakes". While some may seem like common sense, too often, the details are either glossed over by over-enthusiastic salespeople or over-eager consultants. No plan: investments are made in a disconnected, usually suboptimal fashion. It is very hard to align strategy with a "let's do it organically" [More]

  • Journey Mapping for Marketers

    Journey Mapping for Marketers

    Is this you? Is your marketing boat "leaking"? Is there a mechanism, or type of analysis that can improve your marketing effectiveness even further? Enter Journey Mapping. The concept of Journey Mapping can fundamentally change your view on marketing. Journey Mapping is defined as the documentation of all touchpoints that [More]

  • Reducing Your Costs with Partnerships

    Reducing Your Costs with Partnerships

    Downstream delivery partnerships: These are partnerships that focus on what happens "after" the sale. This could include implementation assistance after selling a software license, compliance monitoring after an audit, or outsourced web hosting after the development of the website. This type of partnership allows your organization to leverage specialist skills [More]

  • Digital Transformation Strategy: Shared Services

    Digital Transformation Strategy: Shared Services

    Most leaders would look closely at the source of the claim: is it coming from a credible source, or from a promoter with a dubious reputation? Hopefully, since it is coming from me, you would think it is coming from a credible source. But the question stands: is the claim [More]

  • Digital Transformation Strategy: Transformation to SAAS

    Digital Transformation Strategy: Transformation to SAAS

    Here are four steps to begin the process: 1. Define your "as a service": At one time, it only meant software. It may have been an API (applications programming interface), a webhook, plug-in, a website, or some other mechanism that provided metered functionality, either to another application, or to a [More]

  • Digital Transformation Strategy: White Label

    Digital Transformation Strategy: White Label

    Years ago, companies realized that their (expensive) factories were sitting idle whenever there wasn't enough demand. They reckoned that if they built products in their factories for other companies during downtime, their ROI would skyrocket. In the food industry, this was called "co-packing". White labelling in the digital world uses [More]

  • Proposal Triggers: How to Generate More Business

    Proposal Triggers: How to Generate More Business

    So how to solve this problem? The high-level answer is that this is precisely what marketing should be doing: generating leads. And turning leads into proposals is precisely what the business development function is responsible for. So where's the disconnect? Yes, CRM, marketing automation, content strategy, thought leadership, newsletters, advertising, [More]

  • Six Tough AI Questions

    Six Tough AI Questions

    Unfortunately, jumping on the AI bandwagon without asking some important questions — and exploring the important answers - can expose your business to unexpected risk. Here are six AI reality check questions: Where do you focus your AI experimentation to get the fastest ROI? Are you using a centralized approach, [More]


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