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Professional Development

  • Trusting Opportunity

    Trusting Opportunity

    If you are in the profession of sales, and your key contact at a client quits, is this a good thing or a bad thing? If your boss moves to another department or a division, is this a good thing or a bad thing? Both of these situations are full [More]

  • Notworking


    How much time have you "invested" in networking within Social Media sites such as LinkedIn or Facebook? While some people merely respond to connection requests, others are practically addicted. There is a preconception that networking is your connection to your contacts. While partly true, networking is really the positive act [More]

  • The Long Game

    The Long Game

    I recently spoke at an event filled with undergraduate business school students. Before heading to the podium, I talked to a student who was to address the group after me; his topic was how to be hired as an Investment Banker. I wished him luck, and asked how he learned [More]

  • Who is more important?

    Who is more important?

    When you are speaking to a large group, who is more important - the audience or you? Picture this:  there is an entire audience sitting on the edge of their chairs, listening to each and every one of your words. You may have been paid thousands to deliver your speech. [More]

  • Meeting Magic

    Meeting Magic

    How many useless meetings have you attended? And how many have you been in charge of? Whether the meeting is a team status review, sales pitch, in-person or via Zoom, following a structured approach can make an appreciable difference. Consider this framework: Define the purpose of the meeting: Before you [More]

  • Nickels and Dimes

    Nickels and Dimes

    If you had a choice to be paid either $500 or $1000 for a service that you delivered, which would you choose? Most of us would choose the greater amount; after all, if we have to do the work, why not be paid as much as the market will bear? [More]

  • Stick to your Strengths

    Stick to your Strengths

    Have you ever wondered how a professional athlete chooses their sport? While they may have some natural ability, this isn't the whole story. Their path to stardom likely looks like this: They started early, They practiced relentlessly, They found a coach who cared, They loved what they did, and They [More]

  • Don’t Focus on Results

    Don’t Focus on Results

    Did you reach your quota? Have you completed that report? Did you win your case? How many people did you serve today? While you might be measured on different criteria, there is one common thread: each of these statements focuses on results. And focusing on results... results in, well, results. [More]

  • If you put your mind to it

    If you put your mind to it

    If you put your mind to it, you can do anything. How many times did you hear this from your mother, father, or favorite aunt or uncle? If you're like most people, you've heard this expression many times -- when you were growing up. (As an aside, how many times [More]

  • Knowledge to Action

    Knowledge to Action

    When was the last time you read a good book? Or rather, when was the last time you read a good book that was good for you? No, not a trash novel, or even one that is mildly entertaining. What is a good book? It is one that moves you [More]


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