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Professional Development

  • Brainstorming Creatively

    Brainstorming Creatively

    Creativity can help you solve some of the most difficult problems, which is why it is why it is valued so highly by clients (and your employer). Yet why are some people seemingly so creative, and others aren't? Creativity in business is something that you can develop through practice with [More]

  • Cheap, Smart, and Trusted

    Cheap, Smart, and Trusted

    How do you compete? Why would someone buy your services? While we may not think of ourselves as a product, we compete all of the time: for jobs, for acceptance of our ideas, and for personal approval. Tier one - Price: At the most basic level, you are chosen because [More]

  • Profitable non-profits

    Profitable non-profits

    I recently met with a newly minted senior executive, who got to where he was because of his business acumen, aggressive drive, and great relationship skills. But now that he is in a position of real responsibility, might he be missing a critical ingredient for success? In his case, he [More]

  • Work yourself out of a job

    Work yourself out of a job

    What would happen if you planned for your own obsolescence? What if you changed your job so that you were no longer required in that role? As an optimist, the possibilities are exciting: You wouldn't be considered as "critical", and therefore could be considered for other positions. With the extra [More]

  • Plant a seed and something will grow

    Plant a seed and something will grow

    If you are reading this on the day that it is published, then I have a secret to share with you. I came up with the idea for today's tipsheet last month. Then, about two weeks before "today", I wrote the Tip. I edited it the next week. And then [More]

  • Ability


    Have you ever had an athletic injury, and found yourself on the sidelines? Interestingly, this happens off the field too: we let a professional "injury" shunt us to the sidelines as well. Athletes quickly learn that a leg injury just means a renewed focus on the upper body. So should we [More]

  • Elevator Pitch – Going Up

    Elevator Pitch – Going Up

    You're in the elevator, or waiting in line at the coffee shop, and someone says to you "Aren't we going to meet in just a few minutes? Tell me about yourself..." While you may not be ready to meet the person right then and there, the opportunity to make a [More]

  • Data, Information, Intelligence

    Data, Information, Intelligence

    How many hours have you spent trolling through the internet, doing "research" on a particular company or industry? Many people spend too much time on research, and put off making a decision or acting on it. The reason? Most people are averse to risk. We rationalize that with more information, [More]

  • Light the Fire

    Light the Fire

    While camping, a group of four friends - all managers - were talking about teamwork. As the evening wore on, it became colder, and each person went to put on a warm jacket and a hat - except the fourth: he went scavenging for wood. After thirty minutes, he came [More]

  • Starting a New Job

    Starting a New Job

    You've been through a grueling interview process and you've finally got the job or won that promotion. What can you do right at the start to guarantee your success? The truth is that nothing is guaranteed in today's environment, but take care of a few key things, and your chances [More]


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