Yes, we do market research. In fact, for many years I have published industry benchmarking and best practices research in the area of Social Media. So it might be surprising to read a post about when - and why - market research should not be done. At its core, the [More]
For those who aren't familiar with the McDonald's menu, there is something for everyone: burgers, fish, chicken (in a bun or nugget-style), salads, fries, gourmet coffee and desert. If you arrive for breakfast, you can choose from yogurt parfaits, oatmeal, eggs, muffins, egg McMuffins, juices and coffee. In other words, [More]
If you are ahead of the curve in your digital strategy, you know there is no magic bullet: your days are spent making minor changes to improve SEO, more minor changes to improve on-page conversion, and A-B testing to improve email response rates. Once each year, however, it makes sense [More]
The Trust Curve is one of the most important Marketing 2.0 concepts around. It states that as trust builds over time, the relationship strengthens and the target person (prospective client, prospective member, prospective employee, etc) moves through the stages of awareness, preference, trial, and commitment. The job of marketing is [More]
Have you ever put your social influence to the test? Or said another way, do others find you half as interesting as you do yourself? If you're not sure, here are seven ideas that might spur some different thinking. 17 Ways to Great Social Engagement: Not sure why your blog [More]
Most entrepreneurs have a secret that most larger organizations have sadly forgotten: Cut your costs and you'll make more money. And in no other area is this more true than in the area of marketing. Why is this? 1) Momentum of the past: If traditional advertising and promotion have always [More]
Have you ever been in a situation where someone has used a word that seemed wrong? Or maybe out-of-place, suboptimal, or or ill-considered? Each of these three words means something slightly different, and each tugs a slightly different emotional chord, although in this case, they are all negative. The words [More]
Looking for the fine print on successfully using Twitter/Chat at your event? Here is Part two: [Read part one] 1) Choose a hashtag: Choosing a unique hashtag is critical; if you choose one that another organization is using, then their comments will be mixed in with yours. CAFE, for example, [More]
You've decided - or you've been told - that it is time that your meeting incorporates Twitter. In fact, the young keener in your office has assured you that doing so is actually quite easy - just set up a Twitter wall. Unfortunately, you know that whenever anyone says this, [More]
Nobody asked me to write this post, but it is an exceptionally powerful one. Have you noticed that many (most?) online posts by organizations seem contrived? They are sales-focused, or narcissistic, or they're trying just a bit too hard to be friendly. It is someone's day job - a "community [More]
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