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  • Motivation vs. Movement

    Motivation vs. Movement

    Why do some people have such incredible drive, and others seem to just bumble along, rarely achieving their professional goals? To answer this question one need only look at motivation, and how it usually is "achieved" on the job. Most people have annual job goals or objectives. As an example, [More]

  • Finding the Pearl

    Finding the Pearl

    Have you ever worked with (or observed) a leader who was truly motivating? If so, you may have wondered how they did it, and by extension, how you might become this way. The job of the leader is to use each person's special strength - their pearl - to its [More]

  • Spontaneous Discovery

    Spontaneous Discovery

    Have you ever thought about the benefits of aging? We're more mature, we listen more carefully, we're given more responsibilities, and we earn the experience that prepares us for even more.  We have wisdom.  But sometimes it is of the "conventional" type... which is a problem. Contrast this to children: [More]

  • Motivation


    What makes you happy either at work? And what makes you unhappy? While you can probably list many items in each category, are they opposites? If something makes you happy, will the absence of it make you unhappy? According to the psychologist Frederick Herzberg, the answer may actually be "no".  [More]

  • Social Media Tune-up

    Social Media Tune-up

    Your car needs a tune-up every once in a while. As individuals, we go to the doctor or dentist on a regular schedule. But have you ever done a social media tune-up? Didn't think so. We sign up to a number of sites (LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and others), use [More]

  • Alternative options

    Alternative options

    At any point in your life, have you ever found yourself backed into a corner, uncertain how you were going to proceed? It may have been a tough client, a project gone awry, a personal relationship gone sour, or maybe a financial crisis. When this happens, there are a number [More]

  • All by myself

    All by myself

    The bane of the extremely capable is that they tend to do things themselves. They are masters of rationalization: it is faster if they do it. Only they have the experience or judgment to make the call. They don't have time to delegate. Or they don't know how. The result [More]

  • Nemawashi Master

    Nemawashi Master

    In Japanese culture, there is a cultural practice to avoid causing others to lose face. In business meetings, this often means that objections are not raised, and decisions are made apparently without a thorough discussion. While this is what appears to an outsider, the reality is far different. The Japanese [More]

  • Quantify your Impact

    Quantify your Impact

    For the best investors, each potential investment requires a prospectus or annual report. For the best business managers, each new initiative requires a business case. For the best project managers, each project requires a project charter. The purpose of these documents is to list the benefits, identify the costs, define [More]

  • Urgent vs. Important

    Urgent vs. Important

    When a customer calls, do you rush to meet their needs? When you check into a hotel, do you expect prompt, courteous service? When you drive your car, do you always take the shortest routes - at the fastest speeds? And when you do a great job, do you want [More]


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