by Randall CraigFiled in: Blog, Make It Happen Tipsheet, Social Media, Time managementTagged as: Structure
Each day, we are bombarded with information in advertising, news reports, emails, websites, TV, magazines, and social media. We take this in, process it, and then figure out what it means. Some of it we act on, creating more information for others, and some of it we file away for future “reference”. Without question, we consume more information than food, and we do more processing than digestion.
In the past, when we went on vacation we spent time on the beach, toured, or spent time with family. Today, we may do this, but we also watch CNN, check our email, voicemail, and catch up on our magazines. We update our Facebook pages, check LinkedIn, and update our blogs. Our vacations are not vacations from information: we barely have enough time to recharge, let alone enjoy the local sites.
Next time you take a break, consider taking a real break – the world will still function when you are not checking up on it:
If you need to, you can always schedule an hour to catch up, after you get back.
This week’s action plan: Recharge by experiencing the different. When you go on vacation, make it an “infocation” as well. Then, when you return, put fences around your time, keeping your information consumption within specific scheduled boundaries.
Bonus action idea: Many people used to take a vacation each and every week (remember “the day of rest”?) This same concept – an Infocation – can be used here as well. What’s old is new again.
Note: The Make It Happen Tipsheet is also available by email. Go to to register.
Randall Craig
@RandallCraig (follow me)
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