by Randall CraigFiled in: Blog, Make It Happen Tipsheet, Networking, Social Media, ViewpointTagged as: Digital Strategy, Networking
Do you actively seek out different opinions than your own, or unwittingly reinforce your personal world-view by only consuming “agreeable” content? While we may think we do the former – who doesn’t have a self image of being open-minded – too often we live in a bubble.
The promise of the social web was connection and communication: it was the great equalizer that gave every voice an ear. Over the last few years, this has been badly eroded, much to our collective detriment. Consider why:
In case there is a question about whether this is for the good or for the bad, consider these two points:
Finding your tribe on LinkedIn, Facebook, or YouTube might be exciting. Contributing and conversing with them even more so. But when we self-select ourselves into a bubble, we miss an opportunity to grow ourselves – and the value of our network.
Shake it up: get your news from different sites. Comment on posts from different bloggers. And explore what your network is doing beyond what is presented/filtered for you on the social networks. By unfinding your tribe, you may find something that you didn’t know you were missing.
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