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BLOGThe Authentic Me

by Randall CraigFiled in: Blog, Career Planning, Make It Happen Tipsheet, ManagementTagged as: ,

Have you ever listened to a presentation and thought it sounded fake?  Or met someone for the first time, and thought they were different in person when compared to their emails?

Too often, we think that we need to be different people to different audiences:  the stern parent, the loving spouse, the “professional” businessperson, or the potty-mouthed armchair athlete.  As there is only one of us, when we take on different personas, we are actually making life difficult for ourselves – and confusing for others.  They think we are hiding something from them – which is correct: we are trying to be something we are not.  (This is exceptionally true online, where for years, people could hide behind the veil of anonymity, and “be” whomever they wanted to be.)

Writers have long worked hard at developing what they call their authentic voice. They realized that to be an effective communicator, they have to be consistent, and that their style of writing – and their content – had to be a personal reflection of who they were.  There was only one of them.

Of course, not everyone reading this is a professional writer.  But still, everything that we do write – from a Facebook comment, to a LinkedIn status update, to a blog post – is archived forever.  Not only are the words archived, but so is the personality who wrote them.  Speakers sound fake if they are not the same on and off the stage.  Writers write poorly if they are not the same in person as they are on the page.  Being the authentic you means being the same no matter the situation, or mode of communication.


Are you the same person at work, at home, and when posting online?  Odds are that you aren’t; this week strive to become more authentically you – you’ll make a far  better impression, and it’s far easier.

Bonus observation: Too often, the gaps between the resume/cover letter, Social Media profile, and the person who shows up for the meeting, are huge.  Being authentic applies everywhere, but during a pitch meeting or job interview, it is especially important.

Does this topic resonate? Reach out to Randall: he can present it to your group.  (More presentation topics)
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Randall Craig

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