by Randall CraigFiled in: Blog, Book, Make It Happen Tipsheet, TrustTagged as: Black Friday, Copywriting, Engagement
Did this out-of-place headline really capture your attention? If you are a frequent reader of my material, you probably recognize that this is not the type of headline that you will usually find.
I’ve written many times about how organizations (and individuals) compete on the Price-Expertise-Trust spectrum, and that Trust is by far the most enduring dimension. I’ve also written many articles about content marketing and thought leadership, and how continuously demonstrating Expertise is one of the most powerful mechanisms to build Trust.
So why the headline? And more particularly, how does Price fit into the equation? Yes, demonstrating value is important, but a discounted price – sometimes even zero – is a powerful way to encourage trial.
While Black Friday and Cyber Monday are particularly exciting for retailers to generate real and digital foot-traffic, the concept of using the price lever to encourage trial can be used by every organization. It just needs to be done in a brand-appropriate, and strategic manner.
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