Did this out-of-place headline really capture your attention? If you are a frequent reader of my material, you probably recognize that this is not the type of headline that you will usually find. I've written many times about how organizations (and individuals) compete on the Price-Expertise-Trust spectrum, and that Trust [More]
Have you ever thought about how to become more creative? One way is to expose yourself to ideas just beyond "the usual": ideas that challenge you to think differently, or expose you to experiences that are well beyond your immediate knowledge. With so much available on the web, it is [More]
After a grueling amount of research, writing, and editing, Online PR and Social Media for Experts, Authors, Consultants, and Speakers is now available. Check it out at www.OnlinePRSocialMedia.com. The book itself is 130 pages, and while it is aimed at "experts", it is completely appropriate for those with expertise working [More]
Some great news: The Indie Book Awards has named Personal Balance Sheet by Randall Craig a Gold Medal Winner in the Career category. It was also named one of the top Business books of the year. The Next Generation Indie Book Awards is one of the most prestigious American book [More]
A typical way to develop perspective is to consider issues from different vantage points. A less common - but perhaps more valuable - way to develop perspective is to expose yourself to different ideas. One way to do this is to read books that are at the fringes of your [More]
I just finished reading another fascinating book: Freakonomics by Steven Levtitt and Stephen Dubner. This pair of authors (one an economics professor while the other an accomplished journalist) have probably done more to explain economics than any of the two-dozen-odd economics textbooks that I have in my library. Levitt's area [More]
When was the last time you read a good book? Or rather, when was the last time you read a good book that was good for you? No, not a trash novel, or even one that is mildly entertaining. What is a good book? It is one that moves you [More]
I'm just about half way through a fascinating book, called "Linked", by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi. In it, he explores how networks grow: whether they be social networks, biological networks, the internet, or web sites. One of his most fascinating points is that the study of an individual node - whether it [More]
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