by Randall CraigFiled in: Blog, Career Planning, Make It Happen Tipsheet, StrategyTagged as: Advertising, Campaigns, CRM, Digital Strategy, Technology
Look around, and you are surrounded by advertisements: which ones catch your eye? Likely, the ones that are the loudest. Unfortunately, the race to the loudest is making it hard for anything to get through.
One of the key reasons for corporate interest in digital is that it is a new channel, one with a volume level that might actually be lower. Unfortunately, as more organizations (and people) pile into it, the volume gets louder, and effectiveness drops.
Today’s question: is there a way to cut through the din and improve engagement?
The answer is a resounding yes: first develop a digital infrastructure, and only then begin with the campaigns. Here’s part of the infrastructure:
Once the Infrastructure is built, it acts as an effectiveness multiplier for each campaign. Rather than executing the campaign to a broad, unknown group, it can be built outward from those already in the Marketing Automation and CRM systems, plus friendlies on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social platforms. As this group already is close to you: no need to shout. Another analogy – the fastest a car can go is dependent on many factors – but the driving surface is near the top of the list. No matter how fancy the car is or how big the engine, the vehicle can only go so fast on a dirt road or an unpaved field.
What is the ratio of time that you spend on one-off campaigns, versus developing digital infrastructure? This week, build out at least one more part of the infrastructure.
Bonus insight: Digital Infrastructure works on an individual level as well. What are the professional digital (social media?) activities that are embedded in your day-to-day? The more firmly this is established, the more effective will be your “campaigns”: professional support, business development efforts, job search, etc…
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