by Randall CraigFiled in: Blog, Communication, Make It Happen Tipsheet, Social Media, TrustTagged as: Audience, Blogging, Community, Content Marketing, Digital Strategy, Thought leadership
Have you ever felt that something was missing with your digital communications? That your Tweets, Posts, and Status Updates were being disregarded – almost as if you are speaking to an empty auditorium? That you may have lots of “friends”, but it seems that they are more absent than friendly.
Sadly, this is too common, and it’s not surprising: just because we can add our thoughts online, doesn’t mean we’re relevant, or that anyone is listening, or if they are listening, that they actually care. We have to earn the right first. Here’s how:
Even in the old world of email, we ask for permission before sending things out. If we don’t, we label ourselves as spammers, and achieve the opposite effect.
When we post our blog and status updates into the marketplace of ideas, we must recognize that we don’t have a monopoly, and “the customer” can choose to shop anywhere. Yes, we must find ways to attract people to our digital homes (eg web/social media), but it is more important to keep these people engaged once they arrive. We must first earn the right.
Another way to say Earning the Right is to say Earning the Trust. And earning trust happens slowly, day-by-day. This week, find one way to do this, through the content you post. When you do, you’ll find that your audience is no longer the “one missing piece” in your conversation.
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