by Randall CraigFiled in: Make It Happen Tipsheet, Blog, Digital Strategy, Strategy
Very often, partnerships exist to grow the top-line. But there are two other types of partnerships that are equally valuable: downstream delivery partnerships, and broader offerings partnerships. Each has the potential to build organizational sales, while at the same time building the capacity to delivery.
Depending on your industry, most of the partnership thinking is tactical, not strategic. This week, canvas through your organization, and identify any informal partnerships that exist. Is there a common theme that suggests that a more formal strategy is merited? You may find that there are people using unique partnership approaches that might be shared more widely?
Partnership Insight: It doesn’t matter how structured a partnership is, how well documented it is, and how often its existence is communicated. Partnerships function when there is a connection between people. If you want a partnership to bear fruit, focus on the individual, one-to-one relationships.
Related posts: Value Chain: Upstream-Downstream Analysis
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