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BLOGBuilding Disruption Analysis into Strategic Planning: Nine Disruptive Business Models

by Randall CraigFiled in: Make It Happen Tipsheet, Blog, StrategyTagged as: , ,

Are you enamoured with the concept of disruption, and how you can make your business… disrupt the market? Are you wondering how you could transform into the next AirBnB or Uber?

Building Disruption Analysis into Strategic Planning: Nine Disruptive Business Models

While it’s impossible to suggest HOW this might be done without a more intimate knowledge of your organization and your industry sector, it IS possible to provide seeds of an idea… or rather nine of them.

White Label: Others use your functionality with their brand.

Vertical Integration: Encroach on your suppliers, and become your own customer.

SAAS: Add functionality (or data) that can be rented.

Toolmaker: Functionality that is embedded within others’ products or services.

Debundling: Separates business functions into separate businesses.

Shared Services: Provides services across many organizations

Crowdsourcing: Embeds prospects and clients into the product development and marketing processes.

New Geographies: Sells (or produces) in different parts of the world.

Direct to Consumer: Removes the middleman.

Strategic planning usually starts with an industry analysis, then issues and trends, competitive analysis, and an assumption about a likely future environment (or future scenarios). Then a vision of where the organization needs to be within that future. And finally a plan on how to get there.

Inserting a “disruption analysis” before the vision is even defined provides an important perspective, along with tangible possibilities that should be considered.


While there are many other models (and many hybrids), this list provides a powerful jumping-off spot. This week — or during your next strategic planning exercise — do a disruption analysis: for each of these models, ask the question “how might we”.

Related post: Defensive Strategies when Others Disrupt You…

Does this topic resonate? Reach out to Randall: he can present it to your group.  (More presentation topics)
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Randall Craig

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