by Randall CraigFiled in: Blog, Make It Happen Tipsheet, Social MediaTagged as: Advertising, Digital Strategy, ROI
Yes, Social Media is part of the fabric of society. It’s everywhere. In fact, the absence of it sends a signal that the sponsoring organization is completely disconnected, un-hip, and behind the times.
Unfortunately, this zeal to include Social Media is often done thoughtlessly. There are numerous cases where “doing” Social Media makes no sense at all. Three examples:
1) When there is no call to action – or when there isn’t even a social address provided. In the picture above, taken at Toronto’s Canadian National Exhibition, there are helpful Facebook and Twitter stickers on the doors to one of the major buildings – but zero indication about what the patron should do. (Also missing: the specific Facebook or Twitter handles.)
2) When the target audience is not using the platform. After all, what is the goal of the effort in the first place – for the organization to have a conversation… with itself? Elderly nursing home residents are not as likely a target, although their families may be.
3) When it is physically impossible for users to act. How often, for example have you noticed QR codes in places where there is likely no internet service – such as within an airline magazine. Worse is the picture below – one of many examples of ads that appear in underground subways:
While Social Media is indeed everywhere, it shouldn’t be. This week, look for other examples of over-indulgence – starting with your own.
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