by Randall CraigFiled in: Blog, Make It Happen Tipsheet, Strategy, Time managementTagged as: Digital Strategy, Time management
Do you have a well-defined morning routine, that includes Social Media? Tweet, Post, Check Status, Share, and Comment. Then see who has looked at your LinkedIn profile. Later, repeat – sometimes several times.
There is nothing wrong with connection. In fact, Social Media is built precisely on this foundation.
Unfortunately, every minute spent on Social Media means a minute less on other activities. We sometimes neglect to consider what is being displaced:
Most importantly, we displace the development of real-world in-person relationships with (often) shallower online ones. We spend more time by ourselves, “plugged in”. And we accept that Social Media lurking and stalking are becoming commonplace – and possibly even acceptable.
It’s worthwhile to periodically look more closely at the mix of your activities, and ask yourself this question: what have your Social Media activities displaced? If you’re not happy with the answer, it may be time to put your Social Media activities on a diet.
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