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Digital Strategy

  • Nine Digital Transformation Thought-Starters

    Nine Digital Transformation Thought-Starters

    One of the more powerful ways to make sure that any transformation effort actually does drive ROI is to use a powerful analytical process: Journey Mapping. Yet even when doing this, Journey Mapping often stops short of driving real opportunity. Here are nine journey mapping thought-starters that can help focus [More]

  • Building Trust with Marketing Automation for Lead Magnets

    Building Trust with Marketing Automation for Lead Magnets

    In case this is completely new to you, "Funnel 101" for lead magnets can be simplified to three steps: A prospect downloads your lead magnet - they're now in your funnel. You send them stuff. Then they buy. Or, if you're in the B2B world, you have an interaction or [More]

  • Killing the Trust Killers

    Killing the Trust Killers

    Unnecessary web and app trackers: Minimize the use of the trackers, and when they are used, only request the absolute minimum of data that you need. Step one is to see what is embedded. Location tracking: Does your corporate app or website REALLY need to know the location of your [More]

  • Social Influencer Measurement Platform

    Social Influencer Measurement Platform

    Yet if influence is so important, why not put these into the hopper, and come up with a score? The higher your score, the higher your influence. It turns out that a number of companies have done precisely that. The now-defunct Klout (and Kred) tried and failed, but there are [More]

  • What Digital Transformation is Not

    What Digital Transformation is Not

    Define it too narrowly, then opportunity is lost. Define it too widely, then nothing gets done. From our perspective, the definition of Digital Transformation starts at strategy... but perhaps not exactly how you might expect. In the olden days, an organization's strategy was set, followed by various functional areas setting [More]

  • 30 Elements of Digital Transformation

    30 Elements of Digital Transformation

    Strategic elements An up-to-date strategic plan, that has been informed by the possibilities of transformation. Board and leadership using the same digital vocabulary and models. A review of the possibility of providing web-based shared service capability for peers, downstream, and upstream partners. (eg. "business ecosystem" thinking) A review of the [More]

  • 15 Key Digital Transformation Mistakes

    15 Key Digital Transformation Mistakes

    Consider these 15 different "mistakes". While some may seem like common sense, too often, the details are either glossed over by over-enthusiastic salespeople or over-eager consultants. No plan: investments are made in a disconnected, usually suboptimal fashion. It is very hard to align strategy with a "let's do it organically" [More]

  • Landing Page Optimization: A more sophisticated A/B testing plan

    Landing Page Optimization: A more sophisticated A/B testing plan

    The real question is how can you be sure that your landing page converts as best as it can. And the answer is a staple of every digital marketer – the A/B test. Yet what does this really mean? And are there aspects of a simple A/B test that we [More]

  • Digital Transformation vs Continuous Improvement

    Digital Transformation vs Continuous Improvement

    Yet are there other, perhaps less transformative opportunities, that are sometimes overlooked? Instead of a transformation strategy, can an evolutionary one, focused on continuous improvement and digital opportunity, also move the needle, at least part way? The answer is a resounding yes. Here are four questions that can uncover these [More]

  • Digital Transformation: 13 Reality-Check Questions

    Digital Transformation: 13 Reality-Check Questions

    If so, you're not alone. Here are 13 reality-check questions that should form part of any digital transformation initiative. Do you use an old-style email blast service, such as Constant Contact or Mailchimp? If so, then they will be subscribed to a “list.” A more strategic approach is to use [More]


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