by Randall CraigFiled in: Make It Happen Tipsheet, Blog, TrustTagged as: Journey mapping
When it comes to improving the experience along the client journey, journey mapping and touchpoint analysis are powerful tools. But is it possible that the analysis stops prematurely, rendering all of the hard work (and marketing investment) pointless? Or said another way, is a premature end to the analysis leaving money on the table?
Traditionally, journey mapping and touchpoint analysis starts at the very first “touch”, and continues through to commitment: the contract signature. But what about the touchpoints after the ink is dry?
There are several categories of touchpoints that are traditionally ignored, but can make a significant difference to the client experience. And ultimately, to their likelihood of giving you additional work, and making referrals.
At every touchpoint, trust either goes up, or it goes down. This week, map the post-marketing journey, and then begin to improve the most critical touchpoints.
Related posts: If you missed Parts 1 and 2 in this three-part series on Journey Mapping, you can catch up here: 11 Digital Transformation Journey Mapping Questions and Journey Mapping: Touchpoint Questions.
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