by Randall CraigFiled in: Blog, Communication, Make It Happen TipsheetTagged as: PR
Thank you for reading. In the competition for your time, the Randall Craig Tipsheet vs. Olympic Anything is not exactly a fair fight. So thank you for giving the Tipsheet a “Gold” – at least for the 60 seconds or so to read it.
Here is today’s question: how can your ideas compete against a much bigger, more relevant, and better funded competitor? How can you fight against Goliath, and win?
The answer is surprisingly simple: you can’t. Yes, it may be true that by sheer chance, your idea captures the imagination of readers on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. But who wants to win by chance? Winning by choice is much more satisfying. To do this, you need to follow only one key strategy: Since you can’t beat them, join them.
Here are two ways how:
The concept of flowing with the momentum instead of fighting against it is very similar to the Olympic sport of Judo. This week, try to use either Concept-hooking, or Hash Tag-along, to get your message out.
Bonus Tip: Concept-hooking works in the real world as well. Growing someone else’s idea by adding your own is far more likely to generate buy-in, than competing against it.
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