by Randall CraigFiled in: Make It Happen Tipsheet, Blog, Business Development, Communication, ContentTagged as: Email Lead Magnet, Lead Magnets
Most marketers understand the power of web-based lead magnets. The seemingly ubiquitous ebook, white paper, assessment, or swipe file that you can download, in exchange for your contact information.
Supposedly, the lead magnet will “attract” leads-a-plenty, all of whom are waiting for your sales call to follow-up.
The reality is that while the concept is good, the value of these lead magnets has been steadily decreasing, while the follow-up sales calls have become increasingly strident.
Beyond the obvious of increasing the quality of both the lead magnets and the follow-up experience, how might lead magnets be used, so that they yield even more positive results? Enter email lead magnets.
While web and ad-based lead magnets are designed to identify (and qualify) completely new prospects, email-based lead magnets are designed to be used further along the prospect journey.
A lead that has gone silent, and that you have written offA lead that has not been contacted on a one-to-one basis for some time.A former client, well after the engagement has endedA referral source who whose network is relevant to you
An email lead magnet is an unsolicited personal email (not bulk!) that provides relevant, specific, value to your contact. Here’s an example:
======email lead magnet======Pat…
Hope all is well. I had just sent a very brief note to a client about ABC, and thought you’d be interested in my response as well. (I’ve also attached a related whitepaper entitled “XYZ”, that I also recently wrote.) Please feel free to forward to others in your professional circle.
Here’s a (non-confidential) version of what I sent:
[Text of note here: max two paragraphs]
Hope this helps,Randall
In this example, there are two things of value: the text of the letter, and the whitepaper. And there is also a call-to-action: please forward to your network. What is not there is a “reaching” call-to-action, such as “let me know what you think”. Or a blatant pitch, such as “call me if you think I can help.”
The most effective email lead magnets are the ones that are both relevant and valuable. The more relevant and valuable, the higher your perceived value, and the more trust you earn. Send something generic or fluffy, and that’s precisely how you will be perceived as well.
Many of your existing web lead magnets can be repurposed for email. The challenge is to only send it to those who would value it. This week, choose ten people to put on that list. And then send them a personalized email lead magnet.
Marketing insight: If you send a great email lead magnet, you do not need to include a direct call-to-action. They’ll see the value and will reach out directly.
Related post: Nine Creative Lead Magnet Ideas
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