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Lead Magnets

  • Email Lead Magnets

    Email Lead Magnets

    Supposedly, the lead magnet will "attract" leads-a-plenty, all of whom are waiting for your sales call to follow-up. The reality is that while the concept is good, the value of these lead magnets has been steadily decreasing, while the follow-up sales calls have become increasingly strident. Beyond the obvious of [More]

  • Building Trust with Marketing Automation for Lead Magnets

    Building Trust with Marketing Automation for Lead Magnets

    In case this is completely new to you, "Funnel 101" for lead magnets can be simplified to three steps: A prospect downloads your lead magnet - they're now in your funnel. You send them stuff. Then they buy. Or, if you're in the B2B world, you have an interaction or [More]


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