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  • Killing the Trust Killers

    Killing the Trust Killers

    Unnecessary web and app trackers: Minimize the use of the trackers, and when they are used, only request the absolute minimum of data that you need. Step one is to see what is embedded. Location tracking: Does your corporate app or website REALLY need to know the location of your [More]

  • The Traditional Media Thought Leadership Test

    The Traditional Media Thought Leadership Test

    One of today's mistaken beliefs is that traditional media (e.g. TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines) have no value. While it is true that they have lost readers and viewers, and that without their audiences, that ad revenues have also continued to slide. For most people, traditional media still has both [More]

  • Checklist: 20 Top News Sharing Ideas

    Checklist: 20 Top News Sharing Ideas

    Here are 20 ways... Social Media Write a blog post about it, but tie the news to the reader: answer the question "so what"? Create a mini-video (60-90 seconds), possibly including it within the blog, but also post it on YouTube. Update your LinkedIn Company page. Update your LinkedIn Status. Publish a [More]

  • Ten tips for when the media calls

    Ten tips for when the media calls

    The phone rings or an email arrives (or a Twitter direct message appears) from a journalist, asking for your opinion on a particular topic.  What should you do? a) Panic b) Answer their questions c) ??? Journalists are half sleuth/half expert communicator:  they are paid to find out what is [More]

  • Marketing Insight: Improving Web ROI

    Marketing Insight: Improving Web ROI

    Does this sound familiar?  You have a website (or two), a marketing budget, and more than likely, a desire to grow.  It doesn't matter if growth is defined as more event registrations, newsletter sign-ups, leads, or transactions - the problem is that too often, a web initiative doesn't always pull [More]

  • Information Thief, Attribution, and ChatGPT

    Information Thief, Attribution, and ChatGPT

    Are you an information thief?  Have you ever plagiarized, pilfered, or "borrowed" someone else's knowledge or reputation?  And has someone ever done this to you? Thanks to Google, we have the entire internet in front of us; it is too easy to use others' information without their knowledge or permission [More]

  • Viral Video Checklist

    Viral Video Checklist

    You've created your own YouTube masterpiece, and after three weeks, it has 137 views.  While the number is gratifying, if you're like many first-time content producers, you are probably wondering how to improve the viewership... beyond 10,000.  Or a million.  Or ten million. While there is no way to predict [More]

  • QR Codes:  Qritical or Qraze?

    QR Codes: Qritical or Qraze?

    To create a code, just Google the words QR Code and you'll find a number of no-cost web-based QR Code creators.    To read the code, go to your smart phone's app store and do a similar search, then install what you find.  (My favorite is ScanLife.)  The QR code above, [More]

  • Viewpoint:  EBook Lawsuit? Next up is iCensorship

    Viewpoint: EBook Lawsuit? Next up is iCensorship

    Consider the newest words entering our vocabulary: Kindle, Kobo, eReader, Nook, and Apple Books.  Let me add one more:  iCensorship. If the stats are to be believed, our eBook purchases on these devices are fast eclipsing traditional print books. This isn't surprising, as eBooks are not bulky, don't kill our [More]

  • Viewpoint: The case against social media regulation

    Viewpoint: The case against social media regulation

    Should social media be regulated and controlled? Should hardware and network providers be forced to open a one-way window for authorities to monitor the flow of conversation? These questions are once again being asked, as supposedly "civilized" societies erupt into violence, riots, vandalism, and hooliganism. In these cases, rioters changed [More]


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