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  • Flexibility of style

    Flexibility of style

    Are you ambitious and push everyone to reach your goals? Or are you analytical, reviewing all of the implications and details before you take action? Or are you an emotional decision-maker, deciding what to do based on your gut feeling? How you define your style, however, is completely irrelevant: your [More]

  • Trusting Opportunity

    Trusting Opportunity

    If you are in the profession of sales, and your key contact at a client quits, is this a good thing or a bad thing? If your boss moves to another department or a division, is this a good thing or a bad thing? Both of these situations are full [More]

  • Holiday Nocations

    Holiday Nocations

    When you go away on your vacation, are you really taking the time to recharge? Are you spending that promised time with your loved ones, creating those memories that you will cherish for years to come? Or are you spending your time checking emails, taking calls from the office, and [More]

  • Speed meeting

    Speed meeting

    Does every meeting you attend need to feel like a marathon? Sometimes yes, but most of the time, meetings drag on inappropriately - or at least they seem to. How quickly can you finish a meeting? If it is scheduled for 30 minutes, can you get it done in 20? [More]

  • Starting a job before you start

    Starting a job before you start

    When was the last time that you started a new project, role, or job?  Did you ever think about what you should do before you actually assumed your new responsibilities? While it may come as a surprise, what you do just beforehand will often have a great impact on your [More]

  • Think Different

    Think Different

    Have you ever been in a situation where you answered someone's question, and you're sure that they didn't "get" your answer? Or have you tried to explain an issue to a work colleague - and all you get is a blank stare? When this happens, you may think that the [More]

  • Interview Questions

    Interview Questions

    Research shows that people don't quit their company - they quit their boss. Think about it: the best managers can coach you... or kill you. They can approve training... or they can throw you to the wolves. Every organization has great managers - and some duds. That is why job [More]

  • Reading beyond the lines [u]

    Reading beyond the lines [u]

    A typical way to develop perspective is to consider issues from different vantage points. A less common - but perhaps more valuable - way to develop perspective is to expose yourself to different ideas. One way to do this is to read books that are at the fringes of your [More]

  • Closing Statements

    Closing Statements

    Have you ever been in a sales pitch, job interview, or other important meeting, and the person you are meeting asks you if there is anything else you would like to say, or ask? How should you approach this situation? Essentially, you have three choices: say nothing, say something new, or [More]

  • PowerPointless


    Formal presentations are critical to your professional success: they are used when you are pitching your ideas to colleagues or clients, when delivering a speech, and even during the job interview process. When we were taught how to make a speech back in grade school, we were given the rudiments: [More]


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