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  • Digital Transformation Strategy: Shared Services

    Digital Transformation Strategy: Shared Services

    Most leaders would look closely at the source of the claim: is it coming from a credible source, or from a promoter with a dubious reputation? Hopefully, since it is coming from me, you would think it is coming from a credible source. But the question stands: is the claim [More]

  • Digital Transformation Strategy: Debundling

    Digital Transformation Strategy: Debundling

    The question, however, is whether each of those interdependent functions are really "best of class" in their area. Or perhaps more specifically, whether the staff in these areas are considered stars, and whether these areas deserve priority investments. The answer is, usually, no. The functions of these non-core areas of [More]

  • Building Disruption Analysis into Strategic Planning: Nine Disruptive Business Models

    Building Disruption Analysis into Strategic Planning: Nine Disruptive Business Models

    While it's impossible to suggest HOW this might be done without a more intimate knowledge of your organization and your industry sector, it IS possible to provide seeds of an idea... or rather nine of them. White Label: Others use your functionality with their brand. Vertical Integration: Encroach on your [More]

  • Defensive Strategies when Others Disrupt You…

    Defensive Strategies when Others Disrupt You…

    The most obvious answer is to have avoided the situation in the first place, but sometimes this is not possible. You have momentum that you think is unstoppable; A change means lower margins; You are locked into long-term contracts, or have significant overheads that would be painful to dislodge. And [More]

  • How to do Issues and Trends Analysis

    How to do Issues and Trends Analysis

    This question is too often buried under vendors' promises of nirvana if only a new piece of software was installed. Or buried under consultants' promises of better efficiency or higher ROI. Instead, before the actual transformation exercise is even defined, this fundamental question must be answered: Where is the opportunity? [More]

  • The Five Ages of Disruption

    The Five Ages of Disruption

    Iron Age: While historians will point out that there were in fact "many" ages (Stone age, Bronze age, Iron age) before, but broadly, this is when society learned to craft (and to use) tools and objects made from Stone, Bronze, and Iron. It changed how people lived their lives in [More]


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