by Randall CraigFiled in: Make It Happen Tipsheet, Blog, Digital Strategy, TechnologyTagged as: digital transformation
Yep, digital transformation is the order of the day. But what the heck does it really mean? And what are the components that are within it? While most organizations who are going through the process are using (or should be using) a robust framework, and these frameworks really should examine the reality of “transformation first – digital second”, it is worthwhile to catalog each of the elements typically within a successful digital transformation… all 30 them.
Strategic elements
Platform elements
Marketing elements
While this list may appear overwhelming, a key point is that digital transformation is an organization-wide activity, and absolutely must extend beyond to ecosystem partners.
Too often, departmental initiatives have only resulted in disconnected systems and incremental change. The point of digital TRANSFORMATION, is, well, to transform. Which means that it is very difficult to do in a piecemeal way, without a vision and framework as a guide.
Use this list as a guide: check the items that have already been accomplished, and those that are still either open questions, or are missing from your transformation framework. In this way, at least you’ll know where you stand.
Digital Transformation Insight: Making the case for digital transformation is difficult, particularly because most groups are proud of the existing processes that they have “perfected”, and the technology that they are currently using. Bringing these groups along for the journey means involving them in the process to define the benefits of any digital transformation. Rarely is a transformation successful unless there is ownership from the get-go.
Related post: 15 Key Digital Transformation Mistakes
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