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BLOGThe Right 10,000 Hours

by Randall CraigFiled in: Blog, Career Planning, Make It Happen Tipsheet, New JobTagged as:

Malcolm Gladwell asserts that one cannot be an expert without first earning 10,000 hours of experience.

So how do you become recognized for your expertise if you don’t have enough experience to be recognized…?  This isn’t a problem just for those entering the workforce (or for entrepreneurs), but also for those considering a career change, and those newly promoted into a different role.

Here are a  few ideas:

  1. Borrow the experience: Add people to your team to complement the skills you lack – then learn from them.
  2. Purchase the experience: Hire a coach or management consultant to quickly get you up to speed. Of course, make sure that their 10,000 hours are real and directly relevant to your requirements.
  3. Change your focus: Sometimes a slight shift in your priorities will allow more of your past experience to become relevant.
  4. Assume the risk: Yes, you might not have those 10,000 hours, but the cost of failure may not be so high. Nevertheless, reduce this risk by reading, attending presentations, and networking to learn as much as possible.


What kind of hours are you collecting? This week, add up the hours that you have “earned” throughout your career across various competencies. Are you earning hours in the areas that are important to you?

A bonus idea: Many people like the idea of writing a blog, but are unsure what the best topic should be. Here’s a clue: blog on either the topic you have the most hours in, or blog on the topic you are hoping to build.

Does this topic resonate? Reach out to Randall: he can present it to your group.  (More presentation topics)
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Randall Craig

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