If you put your mind to it, you can do anything. How many times did you hear this from your mother, father, or favorite aunt or uncle? If you're like most people, you've heard this expression many times -- when you were growing up. (As an aside, how many times [More]
When was the last time you read a good book? Or rather, when was the last time you read a good book that was good for you? No, not a trash novel, or even one that is mildly entertaining. What is a good book? It is one that moves you [More]
Now that the new year is here, it is time to be thinking about all of the "resolutions" that you are going to make. For many people, the top resolution is to do something about their job: get that promotion, work on a special project, ask for a raise, achieve [More]
If you are reading this on the day that it is published, then I have a secret to share with you. I came up with the idea for today's tipsheet last month. Then, about two weeks before "today", I wrote the Tip. I edited it the next week. And then [More]
In the olden days, as soon as a fax was received, a secretary would burst into the manager's office and exclaim "you've received a fax". All activity would stop until the fax was addressed. While we rarely receive faxes anymore, many of us exhibit this same strange behavior when we [More]
No, you don't need to remember your high school poetry, but it is possible to find insight wherever you look. Not enjoyment, and not sorrow, Is our destined end or way; But to act, that each to-morrow Find us further than to-day. This excerpt is from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's "The [More]
While camping, a group of four friends - all managers - were talking about teamwork. As the evening wore on, it became colder, and each person went to put on a warm jacket and a hat - except the fourth: he went scavenging for wood. After thirty minutes, he came [More]
You've been through a grueling interview process and you've finally got the job or won that promotion. What can you do right at the start to guarantee your success? The truth is that nothing is guaranteed in today's environment, but take care of a few key things, and your chances [More]
What comes to mind when you think of Coca Cola? Likely, it has less to do with sugar, caffeine and cost, and more to do with friends, refreshment and satisfaction. Savvy marketers know that if they "connect" their brands emotionally with their consumers, then they'll get the sale. This same [More]
Recent statistics indicate that the average North American adult watches between 4 hours (Nielsen 2020), to 8 hours of content each day (OnePoll, 2020). This equates to between 28 and 56 hours each week, an astonishingly high number when compared to the average working week of about 40 hours. Even [More]
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