Recently I had a stark reminder, in the most unlikely of places, that this is absolutely not the case. For several hours, I spent sorting food at the local food bank. Instead of going through the front, where patrons were able to pick up their food, I went through the back, [More]
Most marketers think of themselves as builders. Their work grows the organization, grows market share, grows the portfolio of products and services. A bit more tactically, the marketer builds page views, conversions, and social engagement; underlying all of these activities, the marketer builds trust, and builds relationships. But is there [More]
It wasn't that many years ago that both people and organizations craved higher and higher fidelity: 7.1 Dolby Digital sound, Ultra High Definition TV screens, and so on. Today though, mobile (and digital) is driving size in the other direction: smaller. An unintended consequence, however, is that the fidelity of the user experience has also dramatically [More]
If you use the web on a mobile device, do you ever get frustrated by a site that forces you to pinch-and-zoom to read the content? Or a mobile website that seems to hide what you think is key information - like the street address and phone number? If your [More]
What have been the most transformational marketing innovations in society? TV and Direct mail/database marketing rank up there. Email, the web, and social media also do. And so does mobile - but why? It is too easy to think of mobile as nothing more than a small screen. Web designers [More]
By now, every organization has already asked the question about whether or not they need an App. Putting aside whether there is a bona fide reason for investing in an app or not, there is a second related question that always gets asked: if we have a mobile (eg responsive) [More]
Are you really satisfied with the response rate of your newsletter registration form on your website? Do you think that, just maybe, your list could be bigger? Instead of thinking of the sign-up form as a sign-up form, think of it as a transaction. The user - a prospective client [More]
Does this sound familiar? You have a website (or two), a marketing budget, and more than likely, a desire to grow. It doesn't matter if growth is defined as more event registrations, newsletter sign-ups, leads, or transactions - the problem is that too often, a web initiative doesn't always pull [More]
To create a code, just Google the words QR Code and you'll find a number of no-cost web-based QR Code creators. To read the code, go to your smart phone's app store and do a similar search, then install what you find. (My favorite is ScanLife.) The QR code above, [More]
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