As should be obvious, both platforms make their money by selling access to their users: you are the product, and they are monetizing you. In the spirit of openness and transparency, they actually DO allow you to get a glimpse of the attributes that they track about you. They also [More]
Not sure of the weather? Check Google. Need directions? Check Google. Currency exchange rates. Ditto. Definition of an unfamiliar word? Google. The credibility of a particular person? Yes, Google. When someone wants to understand more about you, Google can provide an interesting, and supposedly unbiased perspective. Unpacking the Google test [More]
The Cubans we met were super-friendly, happy, and entrepreneurial. The culture was replete with amazing music, history, architecture, and national pride. And the beaches were amongst the best in the world. The country, however, is literally cut off from much of the western world, largely because of the remnants of [More]
There is no question that LinkedIn is one of the most powerful networking platforms around. It connects, credentializes, and recruits. It provides a glimpse into the professional lives of those we know, and those we want to know. But it has been providing less, and less, and less. Consider the [More]
Before Social Media really took off, the number of tools for engaging stakeholders online was very, very small. You could create a bulletin board on your site. An interactive calculator. A "guestbook" (remember those?) Or get people to sign up to a ListServ and participate in a discussion via email. [More]
There is no shortage of call centers working hard to sell SEO (Search Engine Optimization) services. Some of them are small fly-by-night operators, while others work at the venerable Yellow Pages. Sadly, many organizations (and people) succumb to these pitches, and spend significant dollars each month chasing a top ranking. [More]
It's always easy to look at other organizations - or other people - and marvel at their incredible foresight, acumen, and investment. To look at some of the most successful companies and their products - Apple and Google come to mind - and say "They were just lucky" is too [More]
Have you labored over your blog, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter for years, only to suddenly find a huge drop in your traffic? As leaders begin to probe the Return on Social Media Investment, an unexpected reversal is frustrating - and can have direct impact on the organization's brand... and those [More]
How do you know if your idea is really popular? Asking around is one way. Doing a survey is another. But how about the popularity of your idea on a world-wide scale? While this might be a bit of a challenge, if you can boil it down to a few [More]
There are over 500 web sites that have a Social Media angle to them. Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok might be the most familiar, but you may also spend time on eBay, Amazon, Kijiji, and others. In fact, you may be spending so much time on these platforms, that you [More]
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