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  • 17 Ways to Great Social Engagement

    17 Ways to Great Social Engagement

    Have you ever been disappointed with the engagement level of your blog?  Have you decided that this year something "better happen", to make it all worthwhile?  If so, you're not alone.  Here are 17 ways drive more users to your blog, and increase their engagement with it: Write great content.  [More]

  • What Digital Communications Tier are you on?

    What Digital Communications Tier are you on?

    Every organization - and every individual - can find themselves somewhere on the three-tier Digital Communications Engagement Index.  Where are you? Level I, Passive:  At best, passive users have a profile on a few sites, but do very little otherwise, with the exception of responding to the occasional connection request.  [More]

  • A Better Engagement

    A Better Engagement

    There is no question that people think differently from each other.  Proof points abound:  people wear different clothes, choose different hairstyles, hold different jobs, and prefer different foods.  And whenever we write a report, make a presentation, or write a blog post, we often feel challenged by people who voice [More]

  • A Real Connection

    A Real Connection

    Think about what you do everyday: if you are in the majority, there is some period of time when you are "doing" social media. You may be checking Facebook or Instagram to see what is up with your friends. You may contribute to a conversation in a LinkedIn group. Or [More]

  • Remember First, Second, Third

    Remember First, Second, Third

    Many blogs I read I don't like - the posts have no interest to me. Have you ever read a blog posting or listened to a presentation where the topic didn't resonate, or where you felt excluded? If so, the writer made a common mistake: "you" were squeezed out by [More]

  • Great Headlines

    Great Headlines

    Whenever you read the newspaper (remember those?), how often do you really notice the headlines? Headlines are designed to solicit interest: the editor who wrote them is trying to let you know what the article is about, while at the same time "selling" you on the importance of actually reading [More]

  • Preboarding


    No, it has nothing to do with Airline strategy. When you start a new job, honeymoon period. Then reality sets in. Employees will either thrive (good hire), disengage (walking dead), or become journeymen (consistently average work.) What can we do to improve employee engagement, reduce start-up stress, and improve retention? [More]

  • The Sharpest Point

    The Sharpest Point

    Most first impressions are formed within the first 10 seconds of conversation. Most hiring managers will take only 20-40 seconds to screen a resume. Most prospects will tune out a sales presentations in the same amount of time. What is the key to forming that first great impression? To speak [More]


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