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  • 17 Ways to Reduce Engagement

    17 Ways to Reduce Engagement

    Is Engagement at the center of your digital strategy? Likely yes.  But is it possible that you are working at cross-purposes, spending time and resources on negative activities that actually result in disengagement?  If so, you're not alone. Use this post as a checklist: how many of these seventeen negative [More]

  • Testing the Social Conversation

    Testing the Social Conversation

    Have you ever put your social influence to the test?  Or said another way, do others find you half as interesting as you do yourself?  If you're not sure, here are seven ideas that might spur some different thinking. 17 Ways to Great Social Engagement: Not sure why your blog [More]

  • Black Friday! Get my books at a big discount!  Sale!

    Black Friday! Get my books at a big discount! Sale!

    Did this out-of-place headline really capture your attention?  If you are a frequent reader of my material, you probably recognize that this is not the type of headline that you will usually find. I've written many times about how organizations (and individuals) compete on the Price-Expertise-Trust spectrum, and that Trust [More]

  • Lipstick on a Pig: Is this the new Social Media?

    Lipstick on a Pig: Is this the new Social Media?

    You may be one of those unlucky individuals who cannot "do" any social media at work. Not because you don't know how, or don't want to, but because your workplace policy prevents you from doing so. Or the regulatory compliance environment means that social media is off-limits. Or you're just [More]

  • Powerful Posts or Contrived Conversations

    Powerful Posts or Contrived Conversations

    Nobody asked me to write this post, but it is an exceptionally powerful one. Have you noticed that many (most?) online posts by organizations seem contrived? They are sales-focused, or narcissistic, or they're trying just a bit too hard to be friendly.  It is someone's day job - a "community [More]

  • When Sharing is not a Good Idea

    When Sharing is not a Good Idea

    If you have spent any time on Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok (and now, sadly, LinkedIn), you may have been the victim of over-sharing. You are subjected to pointless, and often narcissistic postings, often from people and organizations that should know better. While the impact on you is wasted time, the [More]

  • Back-Stories, Lessons, Ali, and Hymie

    Back-Stories, Lessons, Ali, and Hymie

    Each summer for the last three years, my wife and I have stayed at the same hotel while visiting the Montreal Jazz Festival. Each time Ali was at the desk checking us in with a smile. Each time asking us a question or two.  Not only did he know his [More]

  • Blog Cluster Strategy

    Blog Cluster Strategy

    "If you build it, he will come."  This quote, from the movie Field of Dreams, captures the hopes of many marketers:  write great content on your blog, and an audience will be magically attracted to you.  Thanks to Google this is partially true, but are there things that you can [More]

  • Social Relevance: Improving Your Signal-to-Noise Ratio

    Social Relevance: Improving Your Signal-to-Noise Ratio

    No one cares about you - they care about how you can solve their problems. Write for your readers. These two expressions epitomize the most important marketing concept: relevance. How often have you seen a post, picture, tweet, or comment that adds zero value? Or where the signal-to-noise ratio is, [More]

  • Marketing Insight: Improving Web ROI

    Marketing Insight: Improving Web ROI

    Does this sound familiar?  You have a website (or two), a marketing budget, and more than likely, a desire to grow.  It doesn't matter if growth is defined as more event registrations, newsletter sign-ups, leads, or transactions - the problem is that too often, a web initiative doesn't always pull [More]


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